Before your guests ever step foot into your pool, you need to do some serious prep work. Okay, so it's not exactly serious. After all, a pool party is a time to relax, let loose and not think about anything too complex or stressful. But, you do need to take some time to prepare for the fabulous festivities that are about to follow.
What do you need to do prior to the pool party?
Play it Safe
If you're inviting families with children, or you have your own children, pool safety takes on a whole new meaning. Yes, you always want to maintain safety standards—even if it's an adults-only bash. But, when you add kids to the mix you need to be especially vigilant.
The number one cause of accidental death in kids ages 1 through 4 is drowning. If you plan on spending time in the water and in your yard, make sure that your pool has a fence that is at least four feet tall and a gate that the kids can't unlatch themselves. Always make sure there is a responsible adult around to watch the children at all times.
Along with supervision and a safety fence, make sure to have a few inflatable swimming devices on hand. The kids may not need these, but it's best to be prepared just in case.
Designate Eating Areas
No one wants to spend their post-party time fishing half-eaten hot dogs and stray pieces of fruit salad out of their pool. Whether you've created a mega menu that's packed with every app, salad and barbequed item out there or you're serving chips and dip, you need a setup that allows your guests to get their food without having to litter the pool area.
No party guest wants to hear, "No! Don't take your burger near the pool." Instead of standing watch over the water and acting as some sort of bossy lunch lifeguard, create a space that naturally leads to keeping the food-laden guests away from the pool area. This might mean setting up a cozy seating space far from the water or keeping all of the food indoors.
Plan Extras and Add-Ins
The pool will certainly keep your guests busy and entertained. But, is that all your backyard bash has to offer? No way. Plan a few water games to play in and out of the pool. Split the guests into teams and have a pool-float race, hold a backyard or patio water balloon toss or stage a synchronized swimming contest—this is even fun for the adults.
Along with organized games, you can also add some extra fun to your party with a few creative floats and inflatables for guests to enjoy. You could also add a water basketball hoop into the mix.
Set a Time
When are you planning on having your guests show up? When will they go home? The type of party you're having dictates the time it should take place. If you're inviting families with children, you may want to stick to an afternoon bash. Young children may not have the ability to stay up late for a nighttime party.
If you're having an adults-only party, turn on the pool lights and throw an evening swimming event. Light up the fire pit, get comfortable and enjoy the stars over your head as the party goes well into the night.
Before you party, make sure that your pool is ready for guests. Contact After Hours Pool Service for more information on pool repair and maintenance.

Proper pool maintenance is not exceedingly difficult, but it does require attention to detail and reliable scheduling. Taking a few preventative measures can allow you to avoid untimely breakdowns and costly repairs and can help guarantee that your pool remains a source of relaxation rather than a source of frustration.
Below, you'll find a guide to some suggestions for pool maintenance that can help you achieve those goals. Following these tips will guarantee that you're much more in tune with any potential problems and can allow you to take swift action that will give you a fantastic sense of responsibility and accomplishment.
Debris Removal
The biggest threat to a functioning pool may be the debris that blows into it from your surroundings. Setting aside the unpleasant feeling of brushing up against wet leaves as you're trying to swim, pool debris can get sucked into the important mechanical components of your pool and create blockages that may put excessive strain on your pump. This can result in increased energy consumption that's likely to be extremely wasteful and might even risk a mechanical failure.
You should make skimming your pool part of your daily ritual. If a storm comes through, you should attempt to clear out leaves and sticks as soon as it's safe to be near water in order to prevent them from sitting for too long. After a long swim, you should also be sure to check your skimmer basket and hair trap to make sure any additional debris hasn't created a blockage.
Water Testing
Even if you're meticulous about maintaining the chemical balance in your pool, the effects of the outdoors may be enough to alter it. Sunlight in particular can cause the rapid consumption of pool chemicals, so on bright and hot days, it can be a struggle to make sure your water stays safe to use. However, unless you make a concentrated effort to stay ahead of the curve, you might be aware of a developing problem until it sets in.
Proaction is always preferable to reaction, and your chemical testing kit can offer the warning signs you need to keep up with your chemical levels. On days with a lot of sun or when a lot of people are using the pool, you may want to test the levels as often as every hour. This can help guarantee that any changes are immediately evident and can allow you to make adjustments as needed.
Even if your chemical levels stay consistent, it may be possible for germs and bacteria to grow in levels that are difficult to detect. Keeping your water safe should be the primary goal of any pool owner, and there are chemical solutions that can help guarantee that outcome.
Regularly shocking your pool with concentrated doses of chlorine can help to kill off any organisms that may be lingering. Chlorine shocks do make the water unusable for a period of time, however, so it's important that you take all proper precautions in handling chemicals and stay clear of the pool for the amount of time designated.
After Hours Pool Service offers a wide variety of services to help you keep your pool in its best possible condition. When your preventative measures don't feel like enough, turning to the professionals is a great way to get the repairs you need with ease and confidence.